Meeting Minutes

Executive Meetings

The executive meet on a regular monthly basis (first wednesday of every month) or as often as necessary, to conduct the business of the league in an orderly effective manner.

Emergency executive board meeting may be held without formal notice providing all board members have been advised of such a meeting.

All members of the executive are expected to adhere to confidentiality in matters pertaining to member disciplinary actions or hearings, unless the board authorizes an individual or group to speak on its behalf.

Annual Meetings

Held within fourteen (14) days of the scheduled end of league play, but does not include any rescheduled games.

The annual meeting (agm) is open to all active members and shall transact the following business:

Call meeting to order, appoint a sergeant at arms, roll call of officers, minutes of last annual meeting, annual reports of boards and committees, treasurers report, secretarys report, presidents report, honorarium(s), new business, adjournment, and election of officers.

Special Meetings

Held upon the call of the President, the Executive Board as a whole or upon requisition in writing by nineteen (19) active members.

Such requisition shall express the object of the meeting proposed to be called, and shall be delivered to the League Secretary. Ninety percent (90%) of the signatories required must be present for the meeting to continue.

2023-24 Minutes

Minutes are not posted until approved by the Executive
at the next meeting and are therefore a month behind.

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