Executive Board

Election & Qualifications

Executive are elected by the Membership at the end each season during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and all positions are for a 2 year term.

Members elected to an Executive Board position must meet the minimum requirements in order to stand for election of a Board position and must remain a member in good standing within the League for the duration of his elected term.

President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,Scorekeeper/Web-Admin:

Must have served a minimum of 2 years as a Board member or 4 years league experience.

**the positions of Secretary, Treasurer and Scorekeeper/Web-Admin require specific skills and knowledge relevant to the position**


Minimum of 1 year League experience.

Honourariams will be paid to each Board member upon approval of the Membership during the AGM and are capped as follows: President – $250; Vice-President – $200; Treasurer – $300; Secretary – $300; Web/Admin-Scorekeeper – $300; Directors – $125.

Committees/Format Liasons

From time to time, the Executive may appoint members to Committees as may be required in the interest of the League.

Division/Format Liasons may be appointed by Executive vote to address any issues within the division/format or to assist with division tournaments.

These are volunteer positions and are for the duration of the season.

Our Team

2024-2026 EXECUTIVE

This page contains general information regarding the Executive Board.
For full details about the Executive and the roles and duties of each position, please refer to the Rulebook.

Val Wilson

Val Wilson


Dave Deschamp

Dave Deschamp


Rob McCrae

Rob McCrae


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